Picking out the correct keywords is vital to maximizing your return on advertising budget, yet deciding on a suitable set of keywords to invest into can be a tough process.
FlipForge will help you pick out keywords with great reach that get top tier returns within your sector. Further more, we'll provide you with an idea of the reach you can expect and a breakdown of how your budget would be best applied.
Effective use of budget is crucial.
FlipForge will ensure your campaign reaches as many unique individuals that suit your target audience as possible by tracking your campaigns performance.
This will prevent low conversion keywords burning through your campaign budget, giving you the best possible chance of your advertisements reaching the groups you intended and subsequently keeping your costs lower with equal or greater performance.
Targeting & CTR
Targeting is vital to an efficient campaign, should you be looking to provide a service within a restricted area or, there is a particular demographic that takes greater interest in your services than others.
The team behind FlipForge has a proven history of excelling in CTR percentiles and can work with you to refine your campaign. Resulting in exemplary performance, whilst reaching those you wish to work with.